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All Benefits in One Package

improve your skills today
  • Get your tasks corrected in 02 working days

  • Receive detailed feedback for all grading elements

  • Get explanations to any questions you have

  • Receive sample answers for all questions

  • Get suggestions on how to improve your skills

  • Receive faster support to clarify all concerns via WhatsApp or Telegram

Better experience, Better results

let's learn from all your mistakes

Qualified trainers

Our trainers got at least TESOL Teaching certificates and 135 overall DET scores (or 8.0 band IELTS) to deliver more accurate feedback to help students improve their skills. Besides, students have direct engagement with our trainers through their feedback file and clarification if they have questions about our feedback.

Detailed feedback

Our trainers offer feedback based on Fluency, Grammatical Accuracy, Grammatical Complexity, Lexical Sophistication, Lexical Diversity, and Acoustic Features. The DET also evaluates studentsโ€™ skills based on the same elements for Speaking and Writing tasks.

Correction Service

Get your practicing answers corrected in detail by our experienced and qualified trainers
Speaking Corrections

Step 1 - Submit your question and answer: Send us your practicing answers and questions after making a video record to help us correct your mistakes efficiently.


Step 2 - Get corrected: Our trainers check and correct all mistakes based on some aspects, including Grammatical Accuracy, Grammatical Complexity, Lexical Sophistication, Lexical Diversity, Relevance, and Acoustic features. You will get our feedback in 02 working days, not including weekends.


Step 3 - Check suggestions and ask your questions: We also offer sample answers to give you more ideas to articulate yourself coherently. Besides, we also highlight advanced words, collocations, idioms to help you study efficiently.

Writing Corrections

Step 1 - Submit your question and answer: You share your writing practice along with questions, so we can check and correct all your mistakes effectively.


Step 2 - Get corrected: Our trainers check and correct all mistakes based on some aspects, including Grammatical Accuracy, Grammatical Complexity, Lexical Sophistication, Lexical Diversity, and Relevance. You will get our feedback in 02 working days, not including weekends.


Step 3 - Check suggestions and ask your questions: Furthermore, our experienced and qualified trainers suggest a detailed sample answer so you can study, practice again, and improve your skills.

For a detailed consultation

Correction Examples

Kindly note that Speaking practices do not include Acoustic Features (Pronunciation) feedback.

We have supported hundreds of students in correcting their mistakes in speaking and writing practices.

icon img-video
Code Package Pricing
Speak about The Photo, Read then Speak, Listen then Speak
SP10 10 questions* $100 Book
SP05 05 questions* $58 Book
SP03 03 questions* $40 Book

*Each answer will not exceed 90 seconds
Click HERE to review all the benefits!

Code Package Pricing
Writing Sample
WS10 10 questions** $85 Book
WS05 05 questions** $50 Book
WS03 03 questions** $35 Book
Interactive Writing
RW10 10 questions** $85 Book
RW05 05 questions** $50 Book
RW03 03 questions** $35 Book
Write About the Photo
WP20 20 images* $52 Book
WP10 10 images* $28 Book
WP05 05 images* $15 Book

*Each answer will not exceed 50 words
**Each answer will not exceed 180 words
Click HERE to review all the benefits!

Correction packages

The more you write the higher point you get for your Conservation and Production.
The more you write the higher point you get for your Conservation and Production.
For a detailed consultation

Meet our tutors

increase your scores faster
DET's qualified and experienced tutors are here to support
Cristian Antonio
DET Tutor

- 10 years of training experience 

- CELTA issued by Cambridge 

- Certificate in teaching English issued by Oxford 

- IELTS teaching methodology by British Council 

- Bachelor's Degree, Language Interpretation and Translation 

- Master's Degree, International Relations and Affairs

John Vo
DET Tutor

- 06 years of training experience 

- 120 hours TEFL Certificate 

- 135 Overall DET, 140 Production 

- In pursuit of Business Administration

Registering for
a detailed consultation.

Leave a message, we will contact you soon!

Frequently asked questions

If you cannot find your answers, please:

Students will need access to the DET Practice Platform because this is a Correction service that our trainers will help students identify all mistakes for their improvement. Please check all packages if students need DET Practice Platform Premium accounts. 

It depends on the package that students choose. For example, if students choose the SP10 Speaking package, they will have 10 Speaking questions corrected. Specifically, students can pick any Speaking question type for correction because all types give test-takers 20 seconds to prepare and 90 seconds to speak.

After sending the question and answer, students will receive feedback in 02 working days (not including weekends). Our Academic team corrects students’ answers every day. Thus, we need to evaluate students’ answers thoroughly for detailed feedback, which is why we need around 02 working days for each question.

We correct one question per time. Yes, students can send us two or three questions and answers simultaneously, but we can only correct one question per time. When one question is corrected, we will move to the next one immediately.

We have two communities on Facebook and Telegram. Feel free to ask anywhere you prefer. Regarding the Telegram community, users will be invited after creating their FREE account on our website.

Yes, there are several ways to get you discount codes up to 25 percent. Please kindly check this article to find out.

Test-takers can make the payment via PayPal, 2CheckOut, or AlePay. Please kindly check this guide for details.

