As you may already know, the Interactive Reading is officially in the real tests as of 29th March. However, many students have not entirely comprehended it, mainly they do not know how to practice this new-update section. Let’s find out everything in this article.
I. Everything you need to know
Requirement: Answer two sets of six questions
Appearance: 02 times (or 02 passages)
Sub-scores:Literacy and Comprehension
Timer: 07-08 minutes per set of six questions
The two sets of six questions include one set of Narrative Story and one set of Informative or Educational. Thus, if you want to get the highest score, you will need to practice all topics. We will be discussing this matter in the following part.
cre: DET Practice
Each set of six questions includes 05 different question types, including Complete the Sentences, Complete the Passage, Highlight the Answer, Identify the Idea, and Title the Passage.
1. Complete the Sentences
Requirement: Select the best option for each missing word
Appearance: 01 time as the 1st question
You will see something like this:
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This question type gives several word blanks that you need to pick the correct one from 05 choices.
2. Complete the Passage
Requirement: Select the best sentence to fill in the blank in the passage
Appearance: 01 time as the 2nd question
You will see something like this:
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After the 1st question, “Complete the Sentences”, you need to pick the most suitable sentence to the existing paragraph from 04 options.
3. Highlight the Answer
Requirement: Click and drag text to highlight the answer to the question below
Appearance: 02 times as the 3rd and 4th question
You will see something like this:
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They ask you questions; you need to highlight your answers by clicking and dragging the text.
4. Identify the Idea
Requirement: Select the idea that is expressed in the passage
Appearance: 01 time as the 5th question
You will see something like this:
cre: DET Practice
One of the most interesting questions is here! There are four choices that you need to choose one from that you think the idea of that sentence is expressed in the passage.
5. Title the Passage
Requirement: Select the best title for the passage
Appearance: 01 time as the 6th question
You will see something like this:
cre: DET Practice
The last question is to give the passage a title. They create four titles, and you have to pick the best title.
II. How and where to practice?
DET Practice – TADE Hub has added the Interactive Reading section to your Practice Platform; you have a bunch of sets of Interactive Reading to practice and improve your score.
Do you remember we mentioned that you would face two topics initially? The Interactive Reading appears two times in your real test. One set is about Narrative Story, and the other set is about Informative or Educational. We have already added all topics to your DET Practice Platform, so you should not worry if you are not yet familiar with all subjects.
In detail, we set all topics by default by the following rule.
Narrative Story – Level 3
Educational – Level 2
Informative – Level 1
Please note that we set each topic by a certain level for your convenience to keep track and follow; it doesn’t mean that Level 3 is more difficult than Level 1 in Interactive Reading.
Now, let’s check and understand feedback for your Interactive Reading practices.
1. Complete the Sentences
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If you see black words in white backgrounds, you know there are correct choices. In contrast, if you see white words in orange backgrounds, they are wrong answers. Besides, there are correct words above your wrong choices, so you can learn from your mistakes and do it better next time.
2. Complete the Passage
cre: DET Practice
If you choose the correct sentence, your answer is highlighted in the blue background.
Contrastingly, if you pick an incorrect answer, you will see feedback from the above image. The correct answer is in the blue background, and your answer is in the orange background.
3. Highlight the Answer
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We show both your answer and the correct answer so you can make a comparison to see how good is your answer. We will explain how all Interactive Reading question types are scored in our following articles.
4. Identify the Idea and Title the Passage
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cre: DET Practice
We show the same kind of feedback for Identify the Idea and Title the Passage because they give us four choices, and we need to pick the best one to answer. Specifically, your answer will be in the orange background, and the correct one will be in the blue background in case you give the wrong answer. However, if you answer the question perfectly, you will only see it in the blue background.
Your DET Practice Platform has nearly so many sets of Interactive Reading for your study, practice today and check your answer instantly for improvement tomorrow. On top of that, you also receive detailed feedback for your Speaking and Writing practices. We evaluate your responses based on Fluency, Grammatical accuracy, Lexical diversity, Lexical sophistication, and Acoustic features (Pronunciation, Intonation, and Pace). Do you know that the Duolingo English Test evaluates your scores based on the same elements?
Go to your DET Practice Platform, create your FREE account and boost your skills today! You have 33 questions and one set of Interactive Reading to practice.